
BAMek proiekzio akademiko handiko unibertsitateekin lankidetza-hitzarmen ugari ditu (Erasmus; Sicue; Erasmus Praktikak; EBetik kanpoko praktikak…). Hitzarmen hauei esker, BAMeko ikasleek eta irakasleek nazio eta nazioarteko mugikortasun programetan hartu dezakete parte.

Elkartruke esperientzia hauen helburu nagusia ikasleen formakuntza akademiko-profesionala hurrengo alderdietan indartzea da:

  • Atzerriko hizkuntza hobetzea.
  • Garapen profesionalerako aukera zabalagoa eskuratzea, bai alderdi praktikoan zein akademikoan.
  • Etorkizuneko maisu-maistrek Lehen hezkuntzan eta Haur hezkuntzan lan egiteko funtsezkoak diren konpetentzien garapena (talde-lana, beste batzuen arteko aniztasunari arreta, bakearen, justizia sozialaren eta solidaritatearen balioen garapena, besteak beste) nazioarteko trukearekin hobetzea.
  • Pertsonen arteko eta kulturarteko komunikazioaren hobekuntza.
  • Nazioarteko unibertsitateen arteko kolaborazio sareak indartu.

Nazioarteko mugikortasuneko programetan parte hartzeko baldintzak

  • BAM-eko ikasle ofiziala izatea eta Graduko lehenengo bi mailetako 114 ECTS gutxienez gaindituta izatea helmugako unibertsitatera irten baino lehen.
  • Europar Batasunako hiritarra izatea.
  • Ingelerako C1 maila eta/edo alemanierako edo frantseseko B2 maila ziurtatzea. Bere akatsean, Deustuko Unibertsitate barneko hizkuntza proba gainditzea (ahozkoa eta idatzia).
  • BAM-ek eskaeraren onartzea, hurrengo irizpideak kontuan izanik:
    • Eskatutako hizkuntza maila.
    • Espediente akademiko ona izatea
    • Heldutasuna eta motibazio pertsonala.
    • Unibertsitate atzerritarraren aldetik eskaeraren onarpena.

ECTS-kredituak eta curriculumaren aitorpena

Egonaldia seihileko batekoa edo ikasturte osokoa izango da, Lehen Hezkuntza eta Haur Hezkuntzako ikasketa planeko hirugarren mailako 30 edo 60 ECTS eginez eta aurreikusitako konpetentzien eskuratzea horrela bermatuz.

BAMeko ikasleek atzerriko unibertsitateetako ikasketetan zehar egindako ikasgaien aitorpen kurrikularra, nazioarteko mugikortasun programen aitorpenerako araudiaren arabera egingo da.

Ardunadunaren kontaktua

Itxaso Vazquez Villa
Bulegoa: 115

Informazio gehiagorako

Nazioarteko Harremanen Bulegoa (Bilboko Campusa)

Unibertsitateen Etorbidea 24
48007 Bilbao
Tel.: 944 139 288



Jil Zeller

Soy una estudiante en Derio BAM y vengo de Suiza. Llevo dos meses viviendo en Bilbao. Hacer un semestre de intercambio fue una de las mejores decisiones que he tomado en mi vida. Se me permitió elaborar mi propio horario. Por eso tengo temas que me gustan mucho. Estoy en Derio con otra estudiante de Erasmus. Llegamos un poco tarde a la primera conferencia porque no pudimos encontrar la sala. El profesor nos recibió con los brazos abiertos. Dijo que no deberíamos preocuparnos por establecer una conexión social. Porque nuestros compañeros también se conocen desde hace sólo esta semana. El objetivo de hoy es crear un grupo y conocerse. Si no entendemos algo, todos acuden inmediatamente en nuestra ayuda. Es interesante tener contacto con gente de otra cultura. Recomiendo encarecidamente a todo el mundo que haga un semestre de intercambio. Esta experiencia es única y enriquecedora. No me he arrepentido de esta decisión ni un solo día.

Jil Zeller

Madleina Candrian

A memorable semester in Bilbao
I was told that Basque people are considered to be more reserved than people in the rest of Spain. But I was welcomed so warm-heartedly in the Basque country that I must say that the Basques are definitely not reserved (at least in comparison to Swiss people).

From the beginning on I liked the atmosphere in the courses (“juego y deporte” and “sociedad y escuela”) I’ve been attending at BAM. First, I was embarrassed about my Spanish and was afraid of making mistakes while speaking it. But many classmates reinforced us (the other Swiss Erasmus student and me) to speak in Spanish, what made me feel much more self-confident.

I enjoy the leisure time here and I seize every opportunity to explore the Basque Country and other parts of Spain. Mostly, I spend the free time with other Erasmus students. Because Basque students already have their group of friends, it was easier to make friends with other Erasmus people. Somehow that’s a pity because we usually speak English together (and I really want to improve my Spanish), but we understand each other very well because we’re in a similar situation.

Even though I’m looking forward seeing my family and friends in Switzerland again, I think I will miss some aspects of the life here in the Basque Country. I am grateful that I was able to spend this semester abroad and would describe it as a very valuable and memorable experience.

Madleina Candrian

Naia Duñabeitia

2021-2022. Iraila-otsaila

Nire Erasmus esperientzia 5-6 lerrotan laburtzea oso zaila iruditzen zait, baina hor doa:

Egia da, Napoleseko Universitá degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasara ikastera joan den BAMeko lehenengo ikaslea izan naizela, eta horregatik urduritasuna sentitu nuen nire lehenengo egunetan. Baina egun horiek pasa ondoren, esperientzia itzela izan da, jende pilo bat ezagutu dut eta segur aski Italiako hiririk bereziena ezagutzeko aukera izan dut.

Nire bihotzaren zati bat Napolesen gelditu da betiko, eta argi daukat Napoles nire etxea izango dela beti. Esperientzia hau bizitzea gomendatzen dizuet, edonon dela ere.

Hemen uzten dizkizuet Napoleseko argazki batzuk. Animatu zaitezte hiri berezi honi aukera bat ematen! Ez zarete damutuko!!

Naia Duñabeitia

Ohiane Soto

2021-2022. Iraila-otsaila

Erasmus esperientzia laburtzea pixka bat zaila dela uste dut, baina saiatuko naiz. Han bizitako esperientzia guztia ETXEA hitzarekin laburtu daitekeela pentsatzen dut. Nik Cagliariko unibertsitatean ikasi dut eta bertan jende berezi eta desberdina topatu dut, eta horretaz gain, bertan sortutako harremanak oso hurbilak izan dira hasiera batetik. Esperientzia hau behin eta berriro errepikatuko nuke, eta horregatik ikasle guztiei elkartruke-esperientzia hau bizitzea gomendatzen diet, ez du axola tokiak, ez du axola nora joan, Erasmus mugikortasuna “jendea” delako.

Hemen uzten dizuet Cagliariko portuko argazki bat.

Animatu zaitezte Cagliariko unibertsitatean ikasten!!!

Ohiane Soto

Triinu-Liis Lullik

University of Tartu-Estonia: Erasmus student at BAM
September 2021 – January 2022

When I arrived in Bilbao, full of excitement and a little bit of nervousness, I did not speak Spanish at all, and I had not lived abroad for longer than two weeks. I was, in a sense, thrown in at the deep end. Now, four months later, I look back at my Erasmus experience, and I cannot believe it is almost time to head back home – the time has just flown by. I can now introduce myself in Spanish and speak a little bit about my home country, Estonia. Furthermore, I moved to another country on the other side of Europe at the age of 20 – how cool is that!

These past months have been an emotional rollercoaster, but I would not have it any other way. This experience has taught me patience and independence. Moreover, I learnt that I am stronger than I had thought. I have also met amazing people and made unforgettable memories.

I have thoroughly enjoyed studying at BAM and getting to know some of the professors and students. Despite not having many classes here, I always looked forward to coming here. I was very lucky to have Marije Anakabe as my academic tutor: she made me feel welcomed from the very first day and was helpful, encouraging, and friendly all these months.

One of my highlights during the mobility period has been teaching practice at Artxandape Ikastola. There I once again experienced the friendly and welcoming side of Basques. Even though the school has more than 700 pupils, they are still a very tight-knit community. The teaching practice proved once more that I have chosen the right profession.

All in all, my Erasmus experience here has been wonderful and memorable. This definitely is not the last time that I will be in Bilbao. I already cannot wait to come back!

Triinu-Liis Lullik

Gerlys Marleen Nano

University of Tartu-Estonia: Erasmus student at BAM
September 2021 – January 2022

My experience as an Erasmus student in Bilbao has been like a rollercoaster of emotions. One minute I was living my best life and then suddenly all I wanted to do was go home. However, I wouldn’t change a thing.

Studying and living abroad has always been one of my dreams. Spain seemed like the perfect place, because it is so different from my home country Estonia, therefore there was so much to learn about the people, culture, language and food. Getting used to all of this was hard at the beginning, but having a support system in the form of friends, family and even university professors made it a lot easier.

A good surprise about Deusto and BAM is how nice and open the professors are with their students. I instantly felt welcomed in the classes and I knew they would help me with whatever problems I had. That is probably one of the cultural differences- Estonians are rather withdrawn. The same happened when I started my teaching practice at Artxandape Ikastola.

Teaching practice has actually been one of my favourite parts of this semester. It was interesting to see what the school system here is like and turns out it is quite different from Estonia. I have learned many useful tips that I will definitely use in my own English lessons in the future. It will be really hard to leave this school after meeting such incredible teachers and sweet students.

In conclusion, being an exchange student has definitely been more challenging than I thought, but I have also made loads of precious memories, lifelong friends and grew as a person. It sounds cliché, but I seriously feel like I am a different person now. If anyone is thinking about studying abroad, do it!

Gerlys Marleen Nano

Luzia Beristain Montalbán

ERASMUS+ praktikak Stavangerren (Norvegia)
2020ko abuztutik 2021eko abendura arte

I had the pleasure to do my last year traineeship at Teinå Skole, in Stavanger, Norway. It was a very enriching experience indeed! I learnt so much from this adventure; it is very interesting to experience first-hand how they teach in a different country. The staff at Teinå was nothing but helpful and understanding, they trusted me from the very beginning and they even let me teach a Spanish course to the kids! It was very fun to see how much students enjoyed to learn a new language! The city is also amazing; Stavanger is smaller than Bilbao, but the third largest city in Norway. Both the city and its surroundings are beautiful, and there are so many plans to do, specially nature-related! If you are thinking of doing your traineeship abroad and you want to make the best of it, Teinå Skole in Stavanger is the place for you!


Luzia Beristain

Amaia Areitio

BAM Student at PH Zurich University of Teacher Education (Switzerland)
BAM – 4º de Educación Infantil Estancia de curso completo – 2012/2013

Zurich was so beautiful and the weather was so excellent that I couldn’t have been more excited about my upcoming exchange time in Switzerland. The PHZH (Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich) turned out to be the perfect place to stay in and other things seemed to work out as well one after another.

I took part in different modules during both semesters, all quite different from one another. I decided to choose courses that I found interesting.

I enjoyed all my modules because I could speak English and French. The mandatory course about Swiss culture for exchange students was also great. We got to see so many different places and we had some really nice excursions and presentations about Switzerland. One of my favourite places we went to was Luzern, the sights were just gorgeous from the Rigi (mountain near Luzern).

I really enjoyed my exchange time in Switzerland, it was one of the best times I have ever had. I’ve got some very dear friends from there and of course all the memories and the experiences on top of that.

I think a lot comes from your own attitude towards things and I am glad I could keep up my good spirit all the way through. Even if sometimes it was really difficult with the language.

Zurich is a great place to live. Even though it’s a little expensive, it’s a very friendly city to stay. There are so many things to do, and it is so close to everything. In a couple of hours you can be in completely different surroundings and I think that’s just great. For someone who wants to see a lot in a short time, Zurich is the place to go.


Amaia Areitio

Garoa Ugarte Saitua

BAMeko ikaslea UCSC Unibertsitatean (Txile)
BAM – 3º de Educación Infantil Estancia de medio curso -2013/2014

2013ko abuztutik abendura Católica de la Santísima Concepción (UCSC) unibertsitatean ikasten egon naiz; Txileko erdialdean kokatuta dagoen hiri batean, Concepción izenekoa.

Hasieran urduri ibili nintzen etxetik kanpo joaten nintzen lehenengo aldia zelako, baina gutxira, gusturago sentitzen hasi nintzen. Behin bizimodura moldatuta eta jende berria ezagututa denbora azkar pasatzen dela esan dezaket.

Unibertsitate aldetik ez dut arazorik izan; Txilen egonda, hizkuntza ez da zailtasuna eta ikasgaiak hemengoen antzekoak dira bai eduki eta metodologiaren aldetik. Irakaslegoa ere edozertan laguntzeko prest dago.
Txilen zehar bidaiatzeko aukera izan dut eta edonora joanda ere jendea oso jatorra eta atsegina da. Gainera paisaia eta leku ikusgarriak daude bisitatzeko.

Azken urteotan murrizketak direla eta aukera gutxiago dago jendea atzerrira joateko, baina aukera izanez gero zalantzarik gabe aprobetxatzea gomendatuko nuke. Benetan esperientzia oso aberasgarria dela uste dut bai pertsonalki zein akademikoki.

Garoa Ugarte Saitua

Aitor Madrigal

BAM Student at Szeged University (Hungary)

After spending a year in one of the most beautiful cities where I have never been It is hard to sum up my feelings… however I will try.

First of all I would like to say that Szeged is sunny, calm, quiet, and the cleanest city of Hungary (I know because a very well known hungarian newspaper made a survey). Apart of that Szeged has an incredible nightlife supported by the ESN people, every Thursdays there were special parties for erasmus people.

Do not worry about hungarian language because teachers are very high qualified, they are always trying to help you, most of them have studied abroad and there is one english native speaker called Harry Fitzpatrick who is very good teacher.

Moreover Szeged is traditionally used to have a lot of international students so the streets are crowded with international students coming from all over the world.

It was very hard for me to say goodbye to the “Erasmus life” but I am not feeling sad because I know that I grew up personally and academically.

I am really grateful to Marije Anakabe and EUMBAM because they made my dream come true. Thank you very much for your help and I wish the new erasmus enjoy the experience as much as I did.

Aitor Madrigal

Leticia Sánchez

BAM Student at Bath Spa University (UK)
Lehen Hezkuntzako 3. maila

I had a great experience in Bath, where I met lots of people, learnt about a new culture and practiced the language.  I definitely encourage other BAM students to go on Erasmus to Bath-Spa University!

Leticia Sánchez

Ainara García / María Ruiz

BAMeko ikasleak Bath Spa Unibertsitatean (Erresuma Batua)
BAM – 3º de Educación Primaria Estancia de curso completo – 2013/2014

Dagoeneko Erasmus erdia bete dugu eta oso pozik gaude. Esperientzia ezin hobea da jende berria ezagutzeko eta ingelera praktikatzeko. Gainera, erronka handia da zure buruarentzat bakarrik bizi behar duzulako ezagutzen ez duzun toki batean. Unibertsitatean (Bath Spa University) oso ondo gaude, nahiz eta klasean ikasle ingelesekin egon. Hasieran, zaila dirudien arren, apurka-apurka klase hauetara moldatzea lortzen duzu. Irakasleak orokorrean oso lagungarriak dira eta beti daude zu laguntzeko prest. Bestaldetik, erresidentzian bizitzea gomendatzen zaitugu, lagunak egiteko errazagoa da eta.
Beraz, denoi animatzen zaituztegu esperientzia hau bizitzera, ahaztezina da eta!

Ainara García / María Ruiz

Andoni Intxaurtieta

BAMeko ikaslea PH Zurich Unibertsitatean (Suitza)
BAM – 3º de Educación Primaria Estancia de medio curso -2013/2014. PH Zurich University of Teacher Education Switzerlan

Zer dakizue dagoeneko Suitzari buruz? Agian txokolate eta gazta goxoak sortzen direla? edo kalitate oneko labana eta erlojuak ateratzen direla? Dirutza sortzen dela ere? Bai, dena egia eta alde positiboan jartzekoak. Baina egia esan, gauza horiek iragankorrak dira, momentuan disfrutatzeko; eta nola ez, hemen egon zarenaren froga bat.

Hori guztia kontuan hartu behar bada ere, azken batean gertakizunak dira gureak betirako. Ahaztuko ez duzuen hori: bizipenak, bidaiak, lekuak, mendekotasun eza eta harreman berriak, batik bat. Pentsa ezazue Suitza Europaren erdi-erdian dagoela. Europa eta mundu osoko jendea dator hona, gure kultura hedatzeko eta besteenak ikasteko aukera aparta! Gainera, lau hizkuntzek inguratzen dute. Beraz, ingelesez gain, alemanez, italiarrez, frantsesez eta erromatzez aritzeko aukera dago.

Nahiz eta leku garestia izan, dudarik gabe leku polita dela esatea dut. Sekulako ikuspegiak aurki daitezke, mendi eta laku zein hiri eta herrietan.

Amaitzeko aipatu beharra daukat proposatu den proiektua. Jakina denez, otsailaren 9an mugen ixtea onartu zen, hau da, datorren urtetik aurrera ezingo dela herrialdean sartu ikasi edo lan egitera.

Geroko irakasle gisa, espero dugu plan hori aurrera ez eramatea, hemen hezkuntza sistema paregabea baita; eta pena bat izango litzateke hemendik ikasteko aukera ez izatea.

Anima zaitezte benetan dinot!

Andoni Inxaurtieta

Xanti Larrañaga

Lecturer at BAM visiting The University of Stavanger (Norway)
BAM Lecturer One week stay –March 2013

I visited The University of Stavanger, (UoS) after Magret Vistnes (lecturer at the Faculty of Arts and Education of UoS) came to BAM. UoS is one of the main universities in Norway and is member of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU). UoS was hosting several students from BAM and it was a good opportunity to talk with them about their Erasmus experience and to discuss with other colleagues at UoS about mathematics education. Margret helped me to get in touch with two members of her faculty, Arne Jakobsen and Sean Martin, both in charge of mathematics education at their department. They were really kind and helpful and I had the opportunity to attend to their classes and to teach some lectures to Norwegian students. It was a really rewarding experience and I hope it will help to tight the relationship between UoS and BAM.

Xanti Larrañaga

Katerina Halfarová / Martina Sedlácková

Estudiantes de la universidad checa Masaryk en el Grado en Educación Primaria de BAM
Estancia de curso completo – 2013/2014

Si pudiéramos elegir otra vez la ciudad de nuestro Erasmus, elegiríamos otra vez la misma; Bilbao. Es una ciudad increíble donde hemos pasado un año maravilloso. Nuestro Erasmus en Bilbao es inolvidable. Hemos pasado allí los mejores tiempos de nuestras vidas gracias a la ciudad, que ofrece muchas posibilidades para pasarlo bien, a los días soleados en la playa con nuevos amigos del todo el mundo, a las ferias de pintxos, al Casco Viejo con sus bares… Pero nuestro Erasmus no hubiera sido así sin la ayuda de los profesores de BAM. Todos nos aceptaron con los brazos abiertos y siempre están si necesitamos ayuda.

Katerina Halfarová / Martina Sedlácková

Sara Pascual

BAMeko ikaslea PH Zurich Unibertsitatean (Suitza)

Esperientzia hobezina Suitzako hiri polit honetan! Guztiz gomendagarria Erasmus-a Zurichen egitea! Jendea oso jatorra izan da gurekin, Unibertsitatea oso berria da eta paisaiak eta inguruko hirietako batzuk ipuinetatik aterata daudela dirudite. Esan beharra dago Zurich hiri garestia dela, eta kontuan hartu beharreko zerbait dela hori. Abantailei begira, Alemana ikasten hasteko aukera ona da Unibertsitatean eskaintzen duten kurtsoari esker. Horretaz gain, First, Advanced edo Proficiency moduko azterketak prestatzeko klaseak ere eskaintzen dituzte; eta frantses maila ona edukitzekotan, ikasgai batzuk frantsesez hartzeko aukera dago. Jendeari begira, jende berri asko ezagutzeko aukera dago eta munduko toki guztietatik etorritako pila bat ikasle daude hirian.

Sara Pascual

Nerea Axpe


Once in a lifetime experience. Erasmus in Hungary has been the perfect way to discover another country, another culture and above all a new way of life.

Nerea Axpe

Nerea Ugarte

BAM Student at Stavanger University (Norway)
BAM – 3º de Educación Primaria Estancia de medio curso -2012/2013

Being in Norway has been the best experience of my life. Not only because I have grown and become more mature but also because I have had the chance to get to know an amazing country, with and incredible culture and education.

Moreover, I have met great friends from many different countries with who I am still in contact. The weather can be quite cold at some moments but the landscape is really amazing…

Do not hesitate; Norway is a great country to go as an Erasmus student.


Nerea Ugarte

Ana Olaizola


I just want to say that i advice to everybody, who really wants to go abroad,  they should do it. Because this experience has been one of the best that i have lived. Everyday is special and you can meet a lot of different people from all around the world, you can share your culture with other people and learn from each other. Moreover, this experience helps you grow as person, because when you come back home you won´t be the same, you will bring a lot of memories and friends that you will never forget it. According to university, I have learnt a lot of things in KPZ,  I could see and take part in the Dutch Educational System, this has helped me know that some of the methodology that we have studied really works in class, and a better education is possible. So, now it is the moment to put into practice all the knowledge we brought.

That’s why, I just want to say, thank you for this amazing experience!!

Ana Olaizola
BAM Student at Katholieke Pabo Swolle University (The Netherlands)

Itxaso Gaviria


My Erasmus experience has been great. I will never forget all my partners and all the experiences. It is simply unforgettable. Regarding my studies, I have learnt really new methods and ways of working. I have met a lot of people from different countries, and it is just awesome. I really recommend this experience to everybody. I really think that I have had the best experience in the word, that’s why I would want to say thank you for this incredible chance.


Itxaso Gaviria
BAM Student at Katholieke Pabo Swolle University (The Netherlands)

Asier Aranzamendi

BAM – 3º de Educación Primaria Estancia de curso completo -2013/2014

Nire bizitzan zehar erabat paregabeak izan diren bi erabaki hartu ditut. Lehengoa, Erasmus bat egitea eta bigarrena, nire Erasmus egonaldia Txekiar Errepublikan egitea.
Brno-ra joaten zen BAMeko lehenengo ikaslea nintzela esan zidaten eta ez nuen erreferentzia askorik hona etorri aurretik, hala ere, ikasturte osoa hemen igarotzea eskatu nuen aldez aurretik.

Nire bizitzako alderdi guztiak ase daude hemen, ikaragarri ikasi dut (ez bakarrik akademikoki) eta nire heldutasun maila izugarri handitu da mundu guztiko pertsonekin esperientza ezberdinak partekatzearen ondorioz.
Gaur egun BAM-eko edozein ikaslek aukeratu dezake Erasmus egonaldi bat atzerrian egitea eta aukera paregabe hau ez aprobetxatzea ulergaitza da niretzat.

Na zdraví!!

Asier Aranzamendi
BAMeko ikaslea Masaryk Unibertsitatean (Txekiar Errepublika)

Ana Olaizola


I just want to say that i advice to everybody, who really wants to go abroad,  they should do it. Because this experience has been one of the best that i have lived. Everyday is special and you can meet a lot of different people from all around the world, you can share your culture with other people and learn from each other. Moreover, this experience helps you grow as person, because when you come back home you won´t be the same, you will bring a lot of memories and friends that you will never forget it. According to university, I have learnt a lot of things in KPZ,  I could see and take part in the Dutch Educational System, this has helped me know that some of the methodology that we have studied really works in class, and a better education is possible. So, now it is the moment to put into practice all the knowledge we brought.

That’s why, I just want to say, thank you for this amazing experience!!


Ana Olaizola
BAM Student at Katholieke Pabo Swolle University (The Netherlands)

Mireia San Vázquez

BAM – Departamento de Psicopedagogía Noviembre 2012

Mi experiencia de movilidad tuvo lugar del 5 al 9 de noviembre de 2012 en la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, ubicada en la ciudad de Concepción (Chile). Fui invitada por la profesora Pola Fontecilla para participar en un programa sobre metodologías educativas en el campo universitario. La experiencia no pudo ser más enriquecedora, ya que además de compartir con brillantes profesionales algunas de nuestras experiencias, fue también una oportunidad para aprender mucho de su vida profesional, de su cultura, así como disfrutar de su naturaleza.

Mireia San Vázquez
Profesora de BAM en la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción de Chile

Garoa Ugarte Saitua

BAM – 3º de Educación Infantil Estancia de medio curso -2013/2014

2013ko abuztutik abendura Católica de la Santísima Concepción (UCSC) unibertsitatean ikasten egon naiz; Txileko erdialdean kokatuta dagoen hiri batean, Concepción izenekoa.

Hasieran urduri ibili nintzen etxetik kanpo joaten nintzen lehenengo aldia zelako, baina gutxira, gusturago sentitzen hasi nintzen. Behin bizimodura moldatuta eta jende berria ezagututa denbora azkar pasatzen dela esan dezaket.

Unibertsitate aldetik ez dut arazorik izan; Txilen egonda, hizkuntza ez da zailtasuna eta ikasgaiak hemengoen antzekoak dira bai eduki eta metodologiaren aldetik. Irakaslegoa ere edozertan laguntzeko prest dago.
Txilen zehar bidaiatzeko aukera izan dut eta edonora joanda ere jendea oso jatorra eta atsegina da. Gainera paisaia eta leku ikusgarriak daude bisitatzeko.

Azken urteotan murrizketak direla eta aukera gutxiago dago jendea atzerrira joateko, baina aukera izanez gero zalantzarik gabe aprobetxatzea gomendatuko nuke. Benetan esperientzia oso aberasgarria dela uste dut bai pertsonalki zein akademikoki.

Garoa Ugarte Saitua
BAMeko ikaslea UCSC Unibertsitatean (Txile)

Ismael Benghuzzi

BAM – 4º de Educación Primaria Estancia de medio curso -2012/2013

Being an Erasmus student has been the most exciting and awesome experience I have ever had. After six months in Norway living in a dorm and being at college with people from all over the world I feel much more grown up and I personally think I have better teaching skills as well. And no words about the friendships I built… In conclusion, I would recommend everybody to take advantage of the chance of joining and exchange program in case of have it.

Ismael Benghuzzi
BAM Student at Stavanger University (Norway)